Engineers Without Borders

Student projects

Ingeniører Uden Grænser samarbejder gerne med studerende omkring studieprojekter. I samarbejde med Syddansk Universitet har vi udarbejdet en række opgavebeskrivelser, der tager udgangspunkt i faktiske problemstillinger i Sierra Leone.

For students


Engineers Without Borders likes to collaborate with students on study projects, but as we are a volunteer-run organization, we have limited capacity and resources to advise and guide in projects. In collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark, we have prepared a number of task descriptions based on actual issues in Sierra Leone.

With the large volume of inquiries, we cannot make our partner’s time available, as all their time is spent carrying out relevant development projects that can benefit the most vulnerable people.

Using the projects

The task descriptions are for free use, but we expect you to inform us if you work with the material and send us the completed tasks, where selected tasks will be posted here on the page. For inquiries about study projects, write to us at

Mechanical engineering: Oil press solution

Technology & business: Garbage collection technology and business

Solar energy & business development

Mechanical engineering: Handling and drying of crops

Rapports by students

Engineers without Borders and DIS: Frugal Innovation in Sierra Leone

5th semester project, Experts in Teams, SDU

Multipurpose crops dying system for small growers using renewable energy

Bachelor project in Product development and innovation, Faculty of Engineering, SDU

Bæredygtig adgang til vand i Kenema, Sierra Leone

Bachelor project in Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Copenhagen.

Adapting to Climate Change: A participatory WASH facility and climate risk assessment of 10 rural communities in Sierra Leone

Sustainable Cities, Aalborg University.

Development of a Sustainable Business Model for Recycling Plastic Waste in Sierra Leone

Master’s Thesis: Department of Technology, Management and Economics, DTU.

Oil press solution - process report

4th semester project in Integrated Design, SDU.