Contact Become a member


When you click on an image you will be forwarded to our payment site on our membership database ForeningLet. You will be asked to sign up ("Tilmeld") but you will not be signed up for anything other than your purchase.

Read our terms of trade (only in Danish)


Give the gift of giving

The gift of a year’s membership with EWB-DK can be ordered here:

Ordinary membership (400 kr.) 

Student membership (200 kr.)

A year’s membership gives the possibility to be a part of our network and access to professional sparring and development.


Buy for pick-up in Copenhagen (125 DKK)

Buy including shipment (165 DKK)

Sizes available: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL

Unisex/men’s sizes. When ordering, write in the comment field which size is required.


Support EWB-DK

on 79443

Questions about how to support EWB-DK


Peter Horne Zartsdahl, Secretary General / +45 6067 7090


Did you know...

 by being a volunteer in EWB-DK you work for the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to give people in developing countries a better life